I’ve seen a lot of fast chugging videos in my day, but this takes things to a whole new level. Not even the fact that it’s water can diminish the accomplishment.
I’m a little perplexed as to why someone would pick class as the ideal time to shoot a chug, but the video appropriately starts with the teacher saying, “You need to know how to do this.” You’re right, I do need to know how. And what better place to learn than in Algebra class? The guy nearly inhaled the bottle, putting his own face in peril to do so. I’ve seen Shoenice do some crazy stuff, but I’m not sure even he’s gone this fast. Then again, he typically chugs vodka or glue. If you’re into hydration though, this kid is tops.
Don’t be suckered into the annotation directing you to the “most hilarious video you’ll ever see.” It’s a shitty compilation of Gangnam Style fails and it’s not funny.

Fastest water bottle chug!! [Reddit]
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