Thursday, December 27, 2012

Guyism: What if video game box art told the truth?

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thumbnail What if video game box art told the truth?
Dec 27th 2012, 23:30

 What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth?  What if video game box art told the truth? Well, among other things, not so many people would be inclined to buy something that was just called Buggy & Unplayable Sh*tty Port. I would think at least. Yet at the same time, I can easily see more than a few PC people picking up something called Compare Framerates With The Internet since that’s all those types folk care about anyway. Anyhow, simply head on over to NeoGAF for even more examples.

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